Properties of saffron in Islamic and Iranian medicine
Saffron has been of great importance among Iranians in terms of traditional Iranian medicine. By recalling saffron, the taste of delicious Iranian food and glaze is imprinted in the mind. Saffron is used in traditional medicine to treat anxiety, stress, anxiety and depression. When we want to know the names of plants and happy medicines, saffron has its first name.
What are the properties of saffron flowers?
In traditional medicine, saffron is used as a sedative, antispasmodic and stomach tonic. In the food industry, saffron is used as a flavoring and coloring. Due to the fact that the color obtained from saffron has a good concentration and color, it is widely used in cosmetics, pharmacy and confectionery industries.
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What is the nature of saffron?
Saffron is a plant that according to temperaments has a warm and dry nature and therefore has many clinical and therapeutic uses. As we know, the base of the pillars has four elements and according to the sources of traditional medicine, it is in the second place in terms of temperature and in the first place in terms of dryness.
Of course, in the book Makhzan al-Dawiyah, according to some doctors, it has been determined as grade 3 in terms of temperature and grade two in terms of dryness.
Nature and characteristics of saffron in terms of traditional medicine
In traditional medicine, medicinal plants and elements that contain solids, minerals and plants are usually divided into four categories in terms of dryness, wetness, cold and heat.
For example, one gram of each element in this classification, which contains food, is first-class, second-class in terms of medicine, and third-class in case of repeated use for pathogens. Fourth-class means that it is toxic and causes poisoning.
Properties of saffron in Islamic and Iranian medicine
Saffron plant is one of the plants that has medicinal positive effects for the treatment of some diseases and in terms of drought is a useful element to eliminate impurities caused by phlegm and rot.
Another important property of saffron is its properties for eyesight.
Saffron is mentioned as a fun and heart-strengthening medicine.
Saffron is one of the most widely used spices in Iranian kitchens.
What is Saffron Modifier or Saffron Modifier?
Used saffron for cold foods; Therefore, the opposite of this case is also used for saffron as a remedy.
Properties of saffron and its harms in traditional medicine
Consumption of saffron tea is a good helper in digesting food, it is a pain reliever and regulator and stimulates the nerves, facilitates blood flow and is hematopoietic.
Eliminates postpartum hemorrhage and helps to strengthen *******ual power.
Saffron is useful for strengthening and purifying the liver and is effective for relieving cough and treating bronchitis.
Saffron tea is used to cleanse the kidneys and bladder. It is soothing and anticonvulsant. It is also a diuretic and removes gas from the stomach. It is used as a mask to lighten the skin.
Obese people with a cold temper can use saffron.
Saffron is effective in strengthening learning and memory, lowering blood pressure, lowering blood lipids, treating asthma, preventing bloating, treating seizures and toothaches.
People with a bilious temperament or hot liver have the element of fire. Saffron may not be effective for these people, but people with a mixed temperament, ie hot liver and most of their limbs are cold, it is better to use saffron as a topical.
Also read ⇒ Bought saffron with a laboratory sheet
The clinical use of this plant is to facilitate difficult deliveries.
Saffron can be used to block blood vessels in stroke.
Saffron petals and stigmas are useful for polishing the eyes and increasing eyesight.
Saffron poultice is used to treat gout and joint pain.
Saffron has a good position for heart diseases because it has antioxidants and can have a good effect on heart rehabilitation and prevent heart disease and cancer; It also prevents the spread of breast cancer.
Properties of saffron in Islamic and Iranian medicine
The elders of traditional medicine recommend that some saffron be added to the composition of medicines used for heart patients in order to better penetrate and guide the healing process to the heart.
In modern medicine, saffron prevents the increase of cholesterol, triglycerides and undesirable blood fats and prevents the deposition of these fats in the arteries.
Disadvantages of saffron
One of the disadvantages of saffron in traditional medicine is its effect on the pregnancy process because excessive consumption of saffron causes abortion. Also, high consumption of saffron has an adverse effect on the kidneys and reduces appetite.
It should be noted that consuming more than 5 grams of saffron in one meal reduces heart rate, dizziness, vomiting, lethargy, jaundice and other dangerous side effects that sometimes lead to death.

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