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buy saffron

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Bought saffron with a laboratory sheet

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Bought saffron with a laboratory sheet

Bought saffron with a laboratory sheet

Most people use saffron as a flavoring for their food, but some people use it as a very powerful medicine to treat some diseases.

Saffron is one of the most expensive spices in the world due to its amazing properties, but how do we know that the purchased saffron is healthy?

We all try to buy the best kind of saffron, especially spices that are widely used in the taste of food and the treatment of some diseases; Therefore, we try to provide saffron with suitable quality.

The most important factor to buy a quality saffron is to observe the color and aroma of saffron, but in order to be 100% sure of the quality of saffron, saffron must be tested in saffron quality control laboratories.

Today, viewing the saffron quality test sheet is one of the purchase factors for saffron customers.

Also read ⇒ Steps of storing saffron bulbs

 What are the important parameters of saffron test sheet?

  •  Aroma of saffron

The amount of safranal is calculated according to the dry matter. This chart should show a number between 20 and 50.

  • Taste of saffron

In the measuring sheet, the amount of picrocrocin is calculated based on the dry matter, and saffron of some grade must have picrocrocin 85.

  • The coloring power of saffron

For this test, the minimum available crocin is determined based on the dry matter because the reason for staining saffron is due to the presence of crocin.

Most saffron with a color of more than 230 to 270 is considered as an export super jewel.

If it is higher than 150, it is known as grade 3.

  • Presence or absence of any additive

By adding additives such as salt or honey, the weight of saffron can be increased. By tasting saffron, this fraud can be understood. However, the saffron test helps to find out whether the additive has been added to saffron or not.

It should be noted that a small percentage of the dust in the area is allowed for saffron, but more than this amount is a sign of fraud.

  • Moisture content of saffron and other similar items

  • Additive color to saffron

Another type of fraud in saffron is the addition of colored and chemical synthetic substances to saffron, which is done by fraudsters and profiteers to increase the color of saffron, but this true color of saffron is completely different.

In the cases on the saffron test sheet, a chemical dye detection test is also available. This sheet thoroughly examines the amount of additive dye.

Bought saffron with a laboratory sheet

Also read ⇒ The difference between Poshal saffron and Sargol saffron

Therefore, there should be no chemical dye in the purchased saffron, even in small quantities.

Arsenic is also tested for saffron used for export to other countries. Of course, all of the above factors are included in this test.

Examples of this test can be in the form of solid filaments with a special appearance (dark red) odor and taste, with moisture and volatiles of 4.6% g, the amount of ash in the total dry matter 4.83% g and With acid-insoluble ash in dry matter at the rate of 0.26% g, foreign matter related to the plant 0.05 g, cream with stigma 0.2 g is considered for premium saffron and the amount of heavy metals such as arsenic, lead And mercury should be less than 10 PPm.

Storage and packaging conditions of saffron

If the conditions and method of storing saffron are correct, it can retain its properties for up to two years and we can use it during these two years, after which saffron loses its properties.

It should be known that saffron should be placed in a place away from moisture and in a sealed container. A temperature of 20 to 15 degrees is usually recommended for storing saffron, and the humidity should be around 40%.

When storing saffron, use an aluminum foil for the lid and the container should be free of any contamination and completely clean. The best way to know the quality of saffron is to inhale its smell and aroma between the fingers. Good saffron has a good aroma.

The effect of saffron on strengthening the immune system

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The effect of saffron on strengthening the immune system

The effect of saffron on strengthening the immune system

For many years, saffron has been produced and cultivated as a valuable plant in Iran, and despite competitors such as Spain, China and Afghanistan, Iran is still the best producer of saffron in terms of medicinal dimensions and amazing properties of this valuable plant

 Saffron has countless health properties. Most of us know saffron as a flavoring and food coloring, but saffron has a great role in determining the improvement of respiratory health, digestive system, improving sleep patterns, reducing bleeding and boosting heart health and improving the function of the immune system

Saffron contains more than 150 different compounds including carotenoids, safranal, crocin, antioxidants and other biochemicals. Saffron also contains

many minerals and vitamins, all of which are useful and necessary for the health of the body

You are recommended to read the article in front of you ⇒What is saffron

The role of saffron in ensuring the health of the body

 Saffron contains some vitamin C and ascorbic acid, which is very important for the health of the body. The presence of vitamin C in saffron increases the production of white blood cells, which can help strengthen the body’s immune system and defenses

Saffron is also a useful tea with a great effect for the treatment of sedation and depression

 Today, research on the properties of saffron and the treatment of various diseases continues. The properties of this plant for the treatment of diseases related to the immune system are quite obvious. Currently, the use of this plant is recommended for the elderly and to strengthen the immune system of these people. Health officials around the world are also trying to educate people about the properties of the plant to fight the corona virus

 However, excessive consumption of this spice is very dangerous and causes an increase in blood and heart disease. It should be known that consuming 20 grams of it causes premature death

The effect of saffron

Saffron extract is a booster of the immune system

 In the cold days of autumn and winter, it is recommended to consume tea and cinnamon to strengthen the immune system and prevent colds. However, diabetics can use brewed saffron instead of drinking tea to strengthen their immune system.

 Saffron is usually available in two forms: stigma and powder. It is better to use saffron stigma to prepare a drink. To prepare the brew, it is better to grind and crush the stigmas in a mortar and let it brew for half an hour. After this time, you can taste it and protect yourself against viral diseases.

Despite the healing and health benefits of saffron for the treatment of diseases such as influenza, colds and even corona can have a great effect on strengthening the immune system

You are recommended to read the article in front of you ⇒Factors reducing saffron flowering

 The active ingredients of saffron, which include protective effects, anti-inflammatory activities and molecular mechanisms of saffron have been proven for the immune system.

 The role of the supplier of this spice and its other compounds against the immune system and recognizing its effective substances in this field can improve people’s health. The benefits of this spice in the treatment of MS, colds and flu can not be easily overlooked

Although medical researchers can provide supportive care, you can take steps to strengthen your immune system and hope that you will recover

 Saffron plant processing

The effect of saffron

 Currently, saffron products are packaged in raw form. With economic progress and acquisition and using the full capacities of this product, the necessary measures should be taken to process saffron

Of course, in the field of saffron processing in a very small size and to the extent of producing tea and other beverages, activities are underway, but we can still develop the knowledge of processing this product in the form of new beverages, essential oils and produce products in different packages and sizes based on its happy characteristics. Use this product in a new way


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