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How is saffron dried

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How is saffron dried

How is saffron dried ?

To store saffron for a long time, it must be dried. An important point in the evaluation of saffron is the method of drying it, because saffron is produced during drying due to the hydrolysis of body compounds, crocin and the release of safranal.

 Saffron is usually dried in various ways, including: traditional Iranian, Spanish and industrial methods.

Types of drying methods

  • Traditional method in Iran: In this method, saffron is stored in the shade of the room at room temperature and hot and dry for 8 to 12 days. In this method, the growth and multiplication conditions of microorganisms and due to the increase in contamination and long drying time, may reduce the staining power due to the activity of its enzymes.
  • In the Spanish method, saffron is exposed to indirect heat for half to one hour on silk nets or sieves at a temperature of about 50 to 60 degrees Celsius. Thus, the color of this saffron is more desirable than the traditional method or drying in the open air, and fungal contamination is limited by this method.
  • Industrial method In this method, drying systems are performed based on three types of operations.
  • Air transfer drying: In this method, the product is exposed to hot air directly. In fact, saffron is placed in drying tunnels.
  • Conveyor dryers
  • Dryers under vacuum conditions: These dryers are used for materials whose high heat causes the destruction of their active ingredients.


How is saffron dried

You are recommended to read the article in front of you ⇒ How to Grow Saffron Plants

What are the points to observe when drying saffron?

  • The drying time of the product should be short. The best time from the separation stage to drying should not be more than 24 hours.
  • Heat should be used uniformly and indirectly at about 60 ° C to dry saffron.
  • Finally, the moisture content of saffron at the end of this stage should not be more than 10%.

How to dry saffron at home in the traditional way?

 People believe that the golden color of saffron is obtained from thick yarns and its pleasant aroma is due to the pale yarns of saffron.

 Saffron yarns can be attributed to saffron cream and stigmas that have been dried by traditional or industrial methods. Saffron is usually dried at home using traditional methods, through a home dryer and other common methods.

Drying in the traditional way

 After harvesting saffron, which is harvested in the first hours of the day or before sunrise before the saffron is opened, the bud-shaped flowers are placed in a suitable container and cleaned with dry, clean and hygienic hands.

This stage is actually the first stage of product processing, which is very important because saffron is prepared for drying and consumption. It should be noted that the flowers should be removed from the stigma quickly because saffron is very sensitive, it decays quickly and its value is lost.

 Sometimes the stigmas may take on the color of pollen due to contact with the flag, and removing them will damage the stigmas and reduce the value of saffron.

 The stigma or so-called common root of saffron should be completely separated from the petals. This step must be done carefully and quickly so that the quality of saffron is not lost.

If you do not have the opportunity to separate saffron, it is better to place it in a cool place away from light to prevent saffron spoilage.

How is saffron dried

You are recommended to read the article in front of you ⇒ Saffron properties

 Each stigma must be separated from the petals and flag at the same time. Place the open roots on a sieve or wire mesh with a cotton cloth and spread them outdoors in the shade to dry gradually.

 Saffron should be in a place away from pollution and dry and cool to maintain its quality.

 It should be noted that in this method, saffron dries in 8 to 12 days. If dried saffron is stored in glass containers away from heat and in a cool place, its color and aroma will be more.

Drying with dryers that have electric heaters, fans, thermostats to control temperature and hygrometers accelerates the drying process of saffron and prevent spoilage or contamination of stigmas, and in this method the stigma is less likely than the traditional method.

How is saffron dried

 Some people use sieves, heaters, electric ovens, microwaves, solar dryers, freeze dryers and vacuum dryers to accelerate the drying process of saffron roots to ensure that the work is of good quality and away from microbial contamination.

 Today, it is recommended that farmers use the above methods or the Spanish method to dry saffron.

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Things we need to know about saffron

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Things we need to know about saffron

Things we need to know about saffron

Things we need to know about saffron

Saffron is a perennial plant with onions. The onion of this plant has a brown pod. This plant is grown in areas of southwest Asia, Spain and southern Europe. The saffron plant has a stem, 6 purple petals and 3 strands of red stigmas

 Saffron plant belongs to the lily family, which has been used in various communities in terms of food and medicine since ancient times

The most used part of the saffron plant is its orange stigma. The stigma contains fat, minerals and mesylate. Propagation of saffron is done only by the underground gland of corm

You are recommended to read the article in front of you ⇒ saffron is useful for heartbeat

?What is the color, taste and smell of saffron

 The aroma of saffron is due to the presence of essential oil without tropane color and also an oxygenated compound with cinnamol called safranal. The

Things we need to know about saffrontaste of saffron is also due to the bitter hydroside of picrocrocin. The color of saffron is also related to the name crocin

 Fresh and dried saffron

 Saffron is the only valuable food that is obtained in very small quantities from the saffron plant. It can be said that out of every 100 to 200,000 saffron plants, only about 5 kg of saffron flowers are obtained. Out of every 5 kg of fresh saffron, only one kg of dried saffron is obtained after drying

?How to store saffron

 Dried saffron should be kept away from light and moisture. We can keep the lid closed in a glass or metal container

 Remember that saffron essential oil can evaporate, so if the lid of the saffron container remains open, its properties, smell and effects will be degraded

? How is saffron used

 Saffron has many uses as a perfume and coloring. Therefore, saffron is used in food industries such as confectionery, cake powder preparation, pharmacy, antidepressants, in textiles such as dyeing silk fabrics, natural flavors and in dairy industries such as ice cream and other items. Is used

Types of saffron consumption

: Saffron is used in different forms, such as

Prepare a brew of saffron or saffron tea, which you can boil with 2 grams of saffron in 1 liter of water for half an hour, let it brew to give its color and  aroma to boiling water.

Things we need to know about saffron

Saffron powder Usually, saffron is dried in an oven at 25 ° C and then ground and passed through a fine sieve to obtain a powdery powder.

 Remember to never grind saffron with sugar, powdered sugar or sugar, because when it is brewed, it initially produces a good color, but after a while, its color fades

Things we need to know about saffron

Tips to know when brewing saffron

 Most people mix saffron with boiling water and allow it to brew, but if you pour the saffron into a glass containing ice cubes and let the ice thaw at room temperature, you will find that the saffron is of the right color and quality. Enjoys

 Saffron has many properties in terms of traditional medicine with a warm and dry nature, including: entertaining, tonic, astringent, vasodilator (century), nose (head) is useful for the liver and reduces appetite and strengthens the heart and stomach

 If saffron is consumed with honey, it destroys kidney stones. It is suitable for relieving severe headaches by inhaling saffron and relieving insomnia

You are recommended to read the article in front of you ⇒ saffron properties

?Can saffron be stored in the refrigerator for a long time

 The fact is that the fresher the saffron, the more its properties will be preserved. If you have to keep saffron in the refrigerator for a long time, you should grind it without sugar or other additives and mix it with boiling water, then brew saffron on a samovar or kettle and keep it in the refrigerator in a closed glass container

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Things we need to know about saffron
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saffron price  noorhan saffron  saffron properties  growing saffron
saffron price  noorhan saffron  saffron properties  growing saffron

?How to identify high quality saffron

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?How to identify high quality saffron

Unfortunately, due to the high value of saffron, some profiteers use the opportunity and by creating fraud in the preparation of this valuable spice, cause uncertainty and customer satisfaction when buying saffron

 One type of fraud is the use of safflower instead of the original saffron. Sometimes saffron strands are sprayed with oil, candy syrup and sometimes water and salt to gain weight

 In other cases, it has been observed that they use colored corn husks and colored ears instead of saffron

 Therefore, if you are going to buy saffron, be sure to buy it from reliable stores and make sure of its quality and authenticity

You are recommended to read the article in front of you ⇒ saffron is useful for heartbeat

?What are the quality characteristics for buying high quality saffron

 The most important quality validation of saffron is its aroma and color. Thus, we can pay attention to the following when buying saffron

: Saffron flower head

 The upper part of the saffron string, which has a lot of aroma and color, is called. Due to its high price, lack of saffron corner, profiteers can commit many frauds. It should be known that the main properties of saffron are in this section

 Negin Saffron: This part is also suitable in terms of aroma and color, but it does not reach the flower

 Straw saffron: This type of saffron is from the head part to the white part located at the end of saffron

How to identify high quality saffron

Saffron category: which includes all saffron strings

 Corner or white: The yellow and white part separated from the stigma that is separated from the flower part and is called the corner

 It should be noted that the type of area and soil in which saffron is grown and cultivated is of particular importance. The best area for saffron cultivation is in Khorasan province and Ghaen region

 Another method of saffron cheating is to paint the ends

 Saffron is usually sold in powder or whole strands. To detect saffron powder, we need laboratory equipment, which is time consuming and laborious. It is recommended not to buy powdered saffron as much as possible, because turmeric or paprika powder is added to increase the volume of the powder

? How to determine the quality of saffron

The lower the color of the strings, the lower the quality

Usually, the smell of original and high-quality saffron is the smell of flowers and sweets, and if you taste and taste it, it will be a little bitter

 Quality saffron is horny on one side and thin and ivy-like on the other

To know the saffron of Sargol, be a little careful, all the strings should have the same color

 In some cases, small pieces can be seen inside the strands, all of which have a good aroma and appearance, which is completely natural, and this happens due to the eating of the handle and the corner during cleaning

   It should be known that high quality saffron does not produce fat by itself. How to identify high quality saffron

 You are recommended to read the article in front of you ⇒ factors is reducing saffron flowering

?What is the structure of saffron to some degree

. Usually saffron should look like a clove, so that the end of the saffron is rod-shaped and the head is serrated, wide and like scissors. The color of saffron should be bright red and its stigmas should not be bright and shiny.

How to identify high quality saffron

?How to distinguish genuine saffron from counterfeit

To distinguish saffron from corn cob, you must pay attention to the appearance of the strings. The strings of corn are straight and the strings of saffron are curved. One of the important features of saffron is the curvature of its strings

Put some saffron in boiling water. After 5 minutes, check the result. If the strands become pale and white, it turns out that saffron is counterfeit
Put some saffron in the straw paper and press. If you see fat particles at the pressure point of saffron, it means that saffron is counterfeit. The original saffron is powdered due to pressure and no trace of oil is observed
Pour some saffron in gasoline, fake saffron seeps in the gasoline
Methane gas-soluble saffron turns purple or orange, and counterfeit saffron turns yellow  How to identify high quality saffron

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How to identify high quality saffron

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Factors reducing saffron flowering

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Factors reducing saffron flowering

Factors reducing saffron flowering

Factors reducing saffron flowering

:Infected saffron onions

Onions should be completely healthy, mites and fungi are one of the main reasons for reducing the yield of saffron onions. Be sure to remove the onions from the soil at several points in the field and consult a specialist to check for ticks and fungi.


:Saffron onion size

Each onion must weigh more than eight grams in order to have flowers. If it weighs less than eight grams, it will not have flowers and will only have a vegetative discussion. This part is related to nutrition, and if the nutrition management of saffron onions is not correct, the onions will be chopped and the yield of saffron onions will decrease.

: The number of saffron bulbs or the same amount of saffron bulbs per hectare

The higher the amount of saffron bulbs when planting, the more harvest you will have in the first years in the future. That is, in two farms of the same age, in a farm where more saffron onions are poured, there will definitely be more saffron flowers. Of course, good nutrition has led to a rapid increase in the number of saffron onions, and the more saffron onions we have, the more saffron flowers we will have. Of course, this is not always the case, and after a few years when the number of saffron onions increases very much at one point, we will definitely have a decrease in yield due to competition in the harvest of water and food. In other words, both a small number of saffron onions and a very large number of saffron onions reduce the flowering of saffron.

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 :Depth of saffron onion

The mother saffron onion that gave saffron flowers this year, disappears in February, and on the mother saffron onion, a daughter saffron onion is formed, which causes the saffron onions to approach the soil surface every year and year by year. Reduce the depth of saffron cultivation. This means that if you plant saffron bulbs at a depth of 25 cm, after five years the bulbs will reach a depth of less than 20 cm, and this will cause environmental stresses such as cold, heat and reduced humidity to negatively affect saffron bulbs and flowering. Reduce saffron. The depth of saffron onion, depending on the texture of the saffron soil, which is sandy, should be 20 to 25 cm, and if it is clay, it should be 15 to 20 cm. .



: Saffron soil type

In years when the air temperature is very high, the yield of saffron clay soils is much better than sandy and light saffron fields, and the reason is high humidity next to saffron onions and reduced heat effect in summer on onions and Finally there is an increase in performance. Saffron management in these two soil groups is completely different and the method of saffron irrigation, saffron irrigation time and also saffron fertilization should be done based on the texture of saffron soil. The soil texture for saffron is better not too hard and clay and not too sandy and light.


 :Saffron water and soil quality

In terms of salinity, saffron water and soil should not be saline and EC (saffron) water and soil should be below 4000. If the EC is high, reducing the yield of saffron is inevitable. In terms of pH, it should be 7.5, and even with this pH, you will have trouble absorbing and many foods will not be absorbed.

Factors reducing saffron flowering

: Number of saffron irrigation in the previous year

In order to achieve good performance in our saffron field, we must provide the minimum water need for saffron. To achieve this goal, saffron should be watered 4 to 5 times a year, the most important of which is water after harvesting flowers and yellowing of water when the leaves turn yellow.

 You are recommended to read the article in front of you ⇒ properties of saffron  for the heart

:Management of saffron weed control

Perhaps one of the main reasons for reducing saffron flowering is the lack of weed control in saffron fields. If your land is covered with weeds in the spring so that the saffron leaves are not visible, you should know that you should not expect flowers. Of course, the conditions of perennial weeds such as camel thorns are different, and due to the different depth of development of thorn roots, keep this weed in your saffron farm before irrigation in October, but the rest of the weeds should be weeded after harvesting saffron flowers. Eliminated and did not let them win the competition with saffron!

Factors reducing saffron flowering

:Using saffron herbicides

If you use pesticides such as sankor to eliminate broadleaf weeds, especially if you do not follow the dosage, reducing flowering is inevitable.


: Keeping the leaves until the end of the season

Feeding saffron onions at the end of the season is the return of nutrients stored in the leaves. So do not harvest or graze the leaves until they are completely dry. If, for any reason, the leaves are removed earlier, the saffron bulbs will remain the same size, and due to the weight loss of the saffron bulbs, the yield of the saffron field will be greatly reduced.

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Saffron is useful for heartbeat

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Saffron is useful for heartbeat


saffron is useful for heartbeat

  Saffron is useful for heartbeat               Saffron is useful for heartbeat          Saffron is useful for heartbeat

As you know, saffron has numerous properties, one of the more important  effect of saffron on the treatment of heart disease and palpitations. In the following, by collecting materials according to the opinions of experts in traditional and modern medicine, studies have been done on the effect of saffron on the heart and heart rate. Join us to learn more about the amazing effect of saffron for heart

Saffron and heartbeat

One of the most important things of the body is the heart, which is responsible for supplying blood to all organs of the body. Reasons for blood circulation in the body include the excretion of carbon dioxide, the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the organs of the body and destroy excretion of Body waste.The circulatory system is made up of blood vessels, blood and the heart. The heart is located in the center of body and is responsible for pumping and oxygen delivery. When it returns to the heart, it collects waste products from different parts of the body and enters them to be purified. The heart is a vital organ and needs care. Eating useful foods helping heart health. Saffron is one of the most important foods used for heart health. Doctors also recommend including this food in people’s diets

 You are recommended to read the article in front of you ⇒ Buy saffron 

?What are the effects of saffron on the heart

       Provides heart health •

As you know, saffron is joyful and uplifting. According to experts, cheerfulness and happiness are important factors in heart health, and the more upset and angry people are, the more it affects their cardiovascular system and weakens their heart. Saffron plays an important role in calming and relieving stress and keeps the heart healthy

     Reduction of heart attack in peoplem •

.Safranal or the same perfume in saffron reduces and prevents the risk of heart attack

   Helps to cure heart disease •

Accumulation of fat and cholesterol in the body’s arteries and arterial walls causes the heart’s arteries to clog, causing the arteries to lose elasticity and harden. The crocin in saffron will be able to significantly reduce heart disease such as atherosclerosis

      Increases the effect of heart drugs •

Saffron guides and delivers medicine to the heart, and this was one of the prescriptions of “Abu Ali Sina” in the past, who advised his patients to take their .medicines with some saffron

You are recommended to read the article in front of you ⇒ consumption of saffron

  Strengthen the heart with saffron •

.Due to the abundance of antioxidants in saffron, this valuable plant plays an important role in increasing body strength and heart rehabilitati

Reduction of blood lipids •

.Crocus in saffron prevents the increase of cholesterol, triglycerides and harmful fats in the blood

       Blood production •

.Saffron is hematopoietic and improves the function of the circulatory system and is one of the effective factors for purification and purification of blood

    Accelerate blood circulation•

.Saffron causes warmth in the body and accelerates blood circulation and eventually raises body temperat

     Lowering blood pressure•

.Safranal and cholesterol lower blood pressure in the body 

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